Publisher and Founder of World Fine Art newsletter. A publication to do with artists and schools of art. 1983- 1987 Artist’s Representative at galleries in New York, Boston, Scottsdale, Palm Springs and at the Jewish Museum, New York City.
- University of Colorado, Boulder CO B.A.
- University of Marseilles, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Mr. Coffin’s paintings appear to have three different styles. One style follows a course parallel to the pop artists, with rich colorful flat shapes and a high sense of design. Also, the opulent decorated frames complement the sensitive forms that they contain and suggest hints of an art deco touch. He shares a similar appreciation for abstracted forms that is reminiscent of Richard Linder and Tom Wesselman, yet Coffin’s expression has a stronger romantic approach.
The next style that appears to have a strong influence on his work is, “Fauvism”. Here the paint is applied in a free manner that results in images that have stronger expressive qualities. In this series, pattern is very prominent and skillfully employed and one can perceive a thread from Henri Matisse that is woven through Coffin’s work. Also, there is a beautiful sense of negative and positive shapes which enhance the esthetic expression of his subjects.
The second series of paintings possess a quality of romantic fantasy. These white transparent canvases contain images that seem to be resurrected form the past and not quite tangible. The works are strong and the figures are drawn with confidence, they fill the compositions with a touch of sensitivity that seem to surpass his other paintings.
In conclusion these portraits are from the realm of his internal experience and for this reason they possess a mask-like quality that grabs ones attention, His work demonstrates a skillful application of design, color and paint…
Montemorelos University, Montemorelos, Mexico